I love S’mores. Naturally, S’mores are meant for summer and summer is meant for S’mores. And you know what? I haven’t even had a single S’more this entire season! I credit that mostly to the heat. It’s been so hot the last thing we want to do is start a fire after the sun goes down. We even took a week-long camping trip in Glacier Park, but fire season has been so bad all fires were banned during our visit. So after our trip, to lessen the pain, I came home and made this S’mores Cobbler.
Now all summer I have had this intense fruity cobbler craving. I have made several berry cobblers and loved every bite. Since I’ve been craving cobbler and I’ve been craving S’mores, why not put the two together? S’mores Cobbler is a tasty combination of the two treats.
Anything chocolate-y, fudge-y, oo-ey, goo-ey, and topped with ice cream has my name written all over it. S’mores Cobbler is just that! Not to mention we topped it off with a little homemade caramel sauce. A little extra hot fudge would be grand too!
Now, I really love S’mores, but what I love even more are homemade treats that incorporate the elements of a S’more. I just couldn’t let the summer slip by without sharing at least one such dessert. S’mores Cobbler is a great way to end the season!
Recipe adapted from Spicy Southern Kitchen.

- 2 instant chocolate pudding packets (3.4 oz each)
- 2 1/2 cups cold milk
- 8-9 full size graham cracker sheets
- 1 1/2 cups milk chocolate chips, divided
- 1 box devil's food cake mix
- 1/2 cup butter
- 4-5 cups mini marshmallows
- 1. Preheat oven at 350 degrees F. Whisk together pudding packets and milk. Place pudding in a greased 9x13 pan.
- 2. Spread graham cracker sheets evenly across the top of the pudding. You will have to break some of the sheets to evenly cover everything.
- 3. Sprinkle 1 cup of the chocolate chips across the graham crackers. Next, pour the dry cake mix evenly over the chocolate.
- 4. Cut the butter into slices and spread evenly on top of the cake mix. Bake 23 minutes.
- 5. Remove from oven and gently stir in any dry cake mix. Sprinkle the top with mini marshmallows and then the remaining 1/2 cup chocolate chips. Place under the broiler for 1-2 minutes or until marshmallows are toasted. Turn the oven light on or crack the oven and watch the marshmallows closely! I have over-toasted marshmallows way too many times under the broiler!
- 6. Serve warm and top with ice cream. You can also serve with caramel sauce or hot fudge, if desired. Refrigerate leftovers.